WOW! I remembered poem sunday, Harrah!
This is one I wrote at the end of November last year. I totally got inspired by some of the awesome 'holy' poetry I was reading in my Poem a Day devotional.
SO here goes:
The first great walk,
The trip from Eden,
Where they saw the oil so red
Poured from the animal which now clothes them.
Now they stood upon a rock
Which caused that same liquid upon their own flesh
The same they are.
The last great walk,
The trip to Golgotha,
Where all saw the oil so red
Pour from the Son of God.
Now we stand upon that Rock
Which covers us in that same liquid
The same we are.
Copyright 2009, Joanna Wallace
THAT'S one of the best poems I have ever written. Can't guarantee other poem Sundays will be as good, but we shall see.
TALK to you later in the weekos!