Thursday, October 14, 2010

Yoga - it's the talk of the (US) town

So apparently there has been a lot of conversation going on in the US recently about Yoga and Christianity - whether the two can or should be mixed.
Here is a link to the article in the Seattle Times
(As a side note, Mark Driscoll is the senior pastor at Mars Hill Church, which is also where Rob Bell is a pastor. Just saying, because I thought it was interesting, because I think Rob Bell is pretty amazing, and it's interesting that he works under Mark).

And here is a blog post where I heard about this at The Church of No People

Well, what now? What of Yoga?
Can we take it as just a form of exercise without thinking of it's eastern roots? Or do they carry into any form of Yoga - changed or unchanged?

To be honest, I find it interesting that Christians do yoga. This is probably mainly because I wouldn't do it. I would like to think that I could do yoga and focus on God and not be adversely affected in any way, BUT because I would worry about that, it probably wouldn't do me any good at all - because then I couldn't focus on God for worrying that I wasn't focusing on God!

But for anyone who does, who am I to judge? Paul tells us in the Bible that "everything is permissible". But then he also goes on to say
"Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God—even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved." (1 Corinthians 10:23, 32-33).

So if we find that what we are doing is leading our brother or sister in Christ astray, should we still do it?? Well, it's a matter of your conscience and not mine, for I would endeavour to quit to not let my brother or sister fall.

Now, I do not want to sound judgmental in this: I know different people see things differently - I choose not to drink alcohol, but this does not mean that I condemn all Christians who do so - it is a matter of conscience.

So what would you do? Would you consider doing yoga, or does your conscience not allow you to?


  1. Hey Jo, just wanted to to say, I agree completely! At the end, it's the heart that counts. I also believe the Holy Spirit speaks to us through our consience. I'm not sure what He would say to me about yoga, as I've never really considered it, but thanks to you I have something else to ponder! Good Post!
    Lisa :)

  2. Rob Bell doesnt work under Mark I know this for sure. I visited their church in July and found this out not to mention Rob Bell is of the emrging church movement and Mark Driscoll is not and in fact leans far away from it.
    Check this out if you want, his opinion of Rob Bell is very clear:

  3. Hey Melody!
    Yup, you are right, sorry for getting my wires crossed!
    Rob Bell is at the church
    and Mark Driscoll is at the church

