Thursday, March 25, 2010

Marsh Flies


These are the local HORRIBLE flies that bite. Or sting. Or whatever, but they hurt.
Anyway, while sewing up the sumo suits for Easterfest (yes this is one of the awesome jobs for which I have been assigned to do), the sneakey Marsh fly (which flies in a silent manner, similar to the ways in which ninjas sneak up on people) and landed on my ankle. And then it bit me. Through my sock. It was not even a very easy location to get to at the time, but it wanted to get me around the ankle so it flew around the sumo suit sitting on top of me (I like to call him Blue because he has a blue jock strap thingo) and he got me. *sigh* well I survived atleast!
That is all.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Early Poem Sunday

Because I can:


The crescent moon flies high,
Through the trees that surround me,
And seem to encompass me in darkness.

I live in light,
Despite the pitch black surrounds.
That moon shines down,
And makes shadows as in the day

When the clouds deny me the light,
I know that it is still there,
By the reflection it makes on those clouds
Which try to conceal the light,
And fail at it.

Copyright 2010 Joanna Wallace

Yeah, so there was a way awesome moon out tonight :)
I heart stars and moon. Also we had a work team come in today and they did lots of work on our new buildings. It was way awesome because it was supposed to rain today (due to a cyclone coming near) but it didn't rain! Thank you God!