Sunday, April 10, 2011

mmmmmmmm No Occasion Cake...

So today I decided to make a cake. Actually, yesterday I decided and today I followed through.

I had no reason to bake a cake, however, I just felt like I should! And I like cake!! Don't you?

And so, in the process of making said No Occasion Cake I think I came to some conclusions, or maybe another analogy of an analogy.
1 Corinthians 3:6 says "I [that is Paul] planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow."
My version goes something like this, "I mixed the ingredients, my flatmates did the dishes, but it was the oven that made the cake rise." And like Paul and Apollos, we will all get to enjoy the cake in all its awesomeness!

I do like Paul's analogy, but cake is awesome too!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


In a Facebook convo with a friend of mine I was discussing my upcoming practicum for Teachers' College. Last Thursday most of my class (there are 90 of us) received their practicum details about which school they would be at for the 6 weeks of our first practicum.
In the course of this conversation I said something that on reflection is rather interesting and kind of highlights my character a little.
I said that I "wasn't (currently) worrying" about it, mainly because it is still 4 weeks away, and so there was no point fussing over it yet.
However, with that statement, I indicated that just because I wasn't worrying now didn't mean that I wasn't going to be worrying later as it becomes closer and closer to my practicum.
But why should I need to say that at all???
God's word tells me not to worry - Ever.
Are we ever like that at all? Even for a moment? a second?
It almost seems as if worrying is a part of human life, whether we call it worry, concern, vexation, or trouble. It is all the same thing, and God calls us to be rid of it.

And not only that, He calls us to seek His Kingdom FIRST.

He calls us to a greater thing, a greater need in this world that is falling into disrepute.
So let us not currently worry about things, and also let us not worry in future.
God help us all!
Amen :)