Friday, October 8, 2010

hmmmm, life....

I always wondered about those people who start a blog, and then it just slowly the time between the posts get longer and longer.
Well, go figure, I have become one of those people, and I know exactly how it happens:
X. Life goes on, often, in a very un-exciting way.
You get up, you work/study/bum around the house, you eat, and go back to sleep again. This can go on for days, years even, without one taking notice of it. I guess that's why we journal, why we blog, (why we vlog even!), so that our life doesn't go past us without our noticing.
X. We don't appreciate the simplicity that life has sometimes.
Looking at trees, listening to the rain, or just studying something, not because you have to but because you want to. It's the simple things that make life full and whole. Without them, we would be sporadic beings lost in a void of dull.
X. And when life is 'exciting' we decide we have no time at all to write about it!
Why do we always suppose that we are too busy to do anything? One thing comes after another, but isn't that just because we live in time, and that happens to everyone? Even those who actually do seem to find the time to do the things they always wanted to do??

So let us make time to do all of those things.
For me, that's blogging, reading, talking with God, and writing poetry.
Focus on the simplicity, let God blow your mind with it.

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