Sunday, July 31, 2011


Gah! I hate reversing!!
In a car that is. It is one of the things that I can do if I have to, but if I don't, I will just avoid it. *sigh*
I was reminded of this just tonight as I was at my grandparents house dropping off something for my Dad who is staying there tonight. Anyway, they have a reasonably long driveway, so I went all the way down it and then had to reverse back out of it (of course!).
Anyway, I probably would've put some lovely paint on the corrugated iron fence if it hadn't been for Mum and Dad, but I was frustrated that Mum was talking to Dad, and Dad was talking to Mum, but it felt like no-one was talking to me and telling me what was happening! Plus, it was dark, and that wasn't making it easier.
And so I have been thinking tonight that sometimes (though we don't like it!) we actually need to reflect, and 'reverse' as it were into our own lives in order to be able to move forward again. I know it is not a novel idea, but it is still a good one none the less.
Recently, I was talking to a pastoral friend of mine, and he was asking me about Vanuatu, and what the main thing was that impacted me about the trip.
You know what? I don't know what it is! I know that it was a God thing, and that He was very faithful in it, but I didn't know what to tell this person when the question was asked.
For me, Vanuatu was a long time ago, even though it was only at the start of this year!
Sometimes we really do need to take time to reflect, and to remind ourselves of the past - even the recent past! - to give us direction for the future.
That one lunch with my pastoral friends was really good for me - God timing - to remind me that what I was doing was the right thing to do to honour the dream that I have.
So reflect, look for the God timing and:

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